ini sebenernya di tag d fb, tapi saya agak males buat notesnya di fb, dan juga peraturannya agak saya rubah, soalnya males ngeliatin wall2, jadi ini diambil dari inbox hape aja ya...
Go through your wall posts and list the last 21 people to post on your wall or comment on your status. Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list. Then answer the 42 questions pertaining to the 21 names. When you're finished, tag all 21 people on the list, so the cycle can continue. If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note and follow the directions above.
1. Joice Pranata
2. Inayah Syafitri
3. Ka Lila
4. Andhika Pranahadi
5. Leonardus Y Priyoprahasto
6. Riza Rosalina
7. Golda Asina Miranda S
8. Hafizh Haidar
9. Sharfina Ariefa
10. Syarifah Aini K
11. Ratih Kemala Pertiwi S
12. Aprilia Rindra Imaniar
13. Dina Rahmatika
14. Rizal Primasatya
15. Gladyza Putri Vanska
16. Cindy Gamal
17. Nadia Oktiarsy
18. Astari Widyakinanti
19. Inggritha Adwinchia
20. Anindita Kiranaputri
21. Puji Astuti
1. How did you meet 1?
di SMAN 8 Jakarta
2. What would you do if you never met 15?
wah ga ada Dyza yang penyabar, yg masih muda, yg suka jadi sekretaris, hehehe
3. Would you date 20?
ya ampun masa cewe
4. Have you ever seen 8 cry?
pernah deh kayaknya
5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?
gaklah, sesama jenis itu
6. Describe 9.
tampangnya alim, tapi aslinya ngocol, suka ngomong tolong ya tolong, suka bawa makanan
7. Do you like 16?
yuhuu, cindy lucu
8. Do you think 5 is attractive?
suka beratraksi yang tidak2? namanya juga Priyo, hahaha
9. When was the last time you talked to 8?
kemaren di sekolah
10. Would you ever date 10?
cewe bok cewe
11. Where does 15 live?
di Taman Mini
12. What’s the best thing about 21?
apa ya jay? suka bantuin bikin tugas, hahaha
13. What would you like to tell 18 right now?
Kinkin, kasian tuh andyta pas expo
14. What is the best thing about 7?
semangat kopsis padahal dia PMR, hahaha
15. Have you ever kissed 4?
gaklah, walaupun dia 'kakaku' :)
16. What's the best memory you have of 3?
menjadi guru yg baik menghadapi muridnya yang dodol ini
17. When's the next time you're going to see 12?
palingan pas masuk lagi senen besok
18. Is 18 pretty?
iya dong, kan cewek
19. What was your first impression of 4?
udah lupa, apa ya kak? oh, kadiv aero yang pengennya oto dan di xi ips bersama ignddw dan suka gebrak2 papan tulis, lol. kalo sekarang sih baik dan bijaksana :P
20. Is 13 your best friend?
I think 2 is
21. Have you seen 16 in the last month?
baru aja kemaren
22. When was the last time you saw 14?
selas pagi sebelum papi ke bengkulu
23. Have you been to 21's house?
dia saja tinggal di rumah saya, tapi saya belum pernah ke rumanya yang di Purwokerto
24. When is the next time you'll see 10?
ssenin besoklah pas masuk, insya Allah
25. Are you really close to 1?
not really, but i admire her, dia rajin banget gitu, pengen deh serajin joice
26. Would you give 19 a hug?
boleh2 aja kok grit
27. Have you ever been to 11's house?
28. Do you know a secret about 5?
emang lo ada rahasia yo?
29. Describe the relationship between 17 and 19?
mereka bahkan tidak saling kenal saya rasa, hanya sesama murid 8
30. What's your friendship like with 7?
teemn sekelompok bio, orang yg selalu sms malem2 nanya tugas, one team one family one victory as ex-lks.
31. Have you ever danced with 17?
32. How do you know 21?
dari mbak Yati yang membawanya kemari
33. Does 2 have a boyfriend?
coba punya, udah harus nraktir2 tu dia. hahaha
34. Have you ever wanted to punch 6 in the face?
saya tidak ingin jadi anak durhaka, oh mamiii
35. Has 11 met your mother?
pernah pas wawancara ekonomi
36. Have you traveled anywhere with 12?
paling sidirom, maviroh, terus ke barito, ke situ babakan
37. If you gave 7 $100, what would they spend it on?
bikin pabrik kriuk mungkin, hahaha
38. What's your best memory of 19?
karya nyata audioo buat pelantikan, it was so nice
39. What is the one thing you most want 11 to know?
lo cocok banget ama om galak, karena kalian sma2 galak,huahaha
40. What was the last thing you did with 6?
dinasehati supaya saya belajar dengan baik
41. When did you meet 20?
di sman 8, sekelas di IPA F
42. What do you wish for number 8?
banyak2 foto gw fizh, huahaha
Somewhat Reflections of 2024
3 minggu yang lalu
1 komentar:
putrii :) gue ambil yaaa... gue mau isi juga.. hihihiii :P lagi iseng niih
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