Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

omegle + ngayal

yah gitu deh, apaan sih nih post? mungkin bakal absurd. waktu itu saya chat ama orang mana gitu di omegle gara2 lat postingan hapis, jadi pengen ngepost juga, cuma ini ga heboh sih. terus ada sedikit khayalan ala TX (diakibatkan bom), yaudah check this out.

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: any question?

Stranger: where u from?

You: indonesia

Stranger: okay

Stranger: m or f

You: you?

You: f

Stranger: m

You: where you from?

Stranger: holland

You: ouwh

Stranger: how old?

You: 15

Stranger: okay

You: you?

Stranger: 18

You: yeah

You: wanna talk about something?

Stranger: allright

Stranger: tell me

You: what?

Stranger: I dunno lets talk about somethin' fun

You: haha

You: i don't know either

You: what kind of thing is fun?

Stranger: could be a lot of things

Stranger: as long as we both think that its a nice chat then its okay

You: okay

You: but it's already night here

Stranger: here its 18.29 pm

You: here its 11;30 pm

Stranger: Indonesia is a nice country :)

You: have you heard about the latest news?

You: have you been here?

Stranger: lot of nice people come from your country

Stranger: whats the news?

Stranger: no I have not

Stranger: but me father was born there ^^

You: so thank you for saying that nice people come from my country

You: yeah there is bad news

You: a bomb was exploded here this morning

Stranger: really? thats bad..

You: really bad

Stranger: where did it explode?

You: jakarta

Stranger: u from jakarta?

You: yes

Stranger: allright

You: where was your father born?

You: in what city

Stranger: Bali

Stranger: I dunno the city

You: yeah bali is nice

You: you must visit it

Stranger: wanna go there sometime

You: it has beautiful beach

You: beaches

You: my father and mother have been to holland

Stranger: its nice to u should come sometime

You: yeah i really want to visit europe

You: what do you have there?

You: places that i should visit if i go there

Stranger: a lot of very nice cities

Stranger: Paris

Stranger: London

Stranger: Amsterdam

Stranger: Barcelona

You: have you been to all of these cities?

Stranger: yes I have

You: nice

You: have you been to asia?

Stranger: I was born in Korea

Stranger: but i was adopted

Stranger: so I cant remember

You: oh i see

You: do you go to school or college?

Stranger: I work

Stranger: for the dutch navy

You: wew that's great

You: it's nice to talk to you

You: but i have to sleep

Stranger: same ^^

You: bye

Stranger: sweet dreams

Stranger: ciaooo

You: thank you

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:06 PM):


dia lgsg ngebayangin

albert ama priyo ngutak ngatik kabel dan tabung

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:07 PM):

terus insan bawa bomnya dalem rompi

Dyza says (10:08 PM):

hahahaha aduh apa banget

imajinasi kita tinggi

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:08 PM):

asatari ama andyta ngasi komando dr mobil

Dyza says (10:08 PM):

lo kasi tau link blog saya apa cerita gitu?

aduuuh gue kira postingan itu kontroversial

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:08 PM):

gw blg bca blog lo

dhika juga gw suruh baca

Dyza says (10:09 PM):


gue takut dipenjara

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:09 PM):

gaklah dyz

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:10 PM):


[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:13 PM):


Dyza says (10:13 PM):

ya pt?

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:14 PM):

terus katanya hanif entar kompi yg nyebarin terornya lewat internet gitu

Dyza says (10:14 PM):

audio ngirim rekaman suara teroris

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:15 PM):


Dyza says (10:15 PM):

menyatakan bahwa apabila uang sebesar 13 miliar ga dikirim ke rekening kita.... JW marriott akan meledak

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:17 PM):


eh eh oto yg bikin kendaraan yg tak terdeteksi kalo ada bom aja

terus aero ngapain dong?

Dyza says (10:18 PM):

terbang ngeliput berita pertama kali dari udara biar terorisnya ngetop

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:18 PM):

teroris ngetop diburu dong men

Dyza says (10:22 PM):

oh ngga salah2

biar kita dianggap tajam aktual dan terpercaya dalam menyajikan... FLASH NEWS ON AIR

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:22 PM):


[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:28 PM):


tadi gw mw ngomong apa ya

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:29 PM):


Dyza says (10:34 PM):

hayoooo inget2 lg

eh gue ada teori baru masa

jadi ya

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:34 PM):


Dyza says (10:34 PM):

sebenernya bom itu merupakan peralihan media besar2an yg dilakukan oleh tengku fakhri

hal itu dilakukan untuk mengalihkan perhatian media Indonesia dari kasus KDRTnya

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:35 PM):

tapi mengapa mu mau saja main di malay sia?

Dyza says (10:36 PM):

karena MU ingin menjadikan masyarakat malay-sia tidak malas dan melakukan hal yg sia2

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:36 PM):

tapi itu sangat merugikan


Dyza says (10:36 PM):


it really is

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:38 PM):

padahal tengku fahri yg biasa dipanggil tengku titi (seperti merek krayon) itukan sudah booming sekali

mengapa dia bisa sampai menjadikan budi bermain bola jadi budi bemain api?

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:39 PM):

(apa sih)

Dyza says (10:39 PM):

apa sih put hahahaha

Dyza says (10:40 PM):

kan biar dialihkan

jadi negaranya ga dikomentarin yg jelek2

[c=9]Putri[/c=48] says (10:40 PM):

aduh aduh malay malay

ga jelas? maaf yaa.... banyak tugaaas

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

heya, put..
ini gw, candini
gw izin nge-link blog lo ya :)
omegle turut memperparah hidup deh ah,hha

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