Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Sebelum Dua Puluh

Seperti di 2 pos sebelumnya dimana gw bilang gw bingung passion gw apa, setelah gw pikir dan gali dan merenung *gaya2an aja* gue tuh ibarat apa ya, gatau mau ngeibaratin apaan haha, mungkin bagai air di atas daun kelor, yap gw sering sekali berubah2, bukan moody sih tapi lebih ke karena gw gatau mau gue apa, yg gw suka apa, jadi gw mudah terombang-ambing, kalo temen2 gw suka A ya gw juga most likely bakal suka A, kalo ortu gue bilang harus bcdefghijklmn~ (maklum kalo tuntutan ortu ga terhingga) ya gw ngikut aja bcdefghijklmn~, kalo orang yg gw suka dengerin musiknya X ya gw dengerin X juga, kalo cowok gue jago di pelajaran Z ya gw bakal lebih into pelajaran itu juga, see?
Tapi gw ga segitu ketergantungannya ama orang2 di sekitar gue sih, kalo gw udah nentuin S dan temen2 gw maunya T yaudah gue tetep bakal menuju S dengan atau tanpa temen2 gue.

Dan gw juga telat sadar mungkin, haha, gw ngelakuin banyak hal tapi ga ada yg gw tekuni, dan itu cukup gw sesali sih, gw dulu les lukis, les balet, les piano, les renang, wushu, saman, segala macem apa yg gw bisa ikutin deh, tapi semuanya setengah2 aja ganyampe, ga maksimal deh, cuma sekedar numpang lewat doang.

Bentar lagi gw meninggalkan teen-ager gw, alias umur gw belakangnya udah bukan teen lagi atau belasan lagi, walaupun gw belum cakap hukum menurur KUHPer tapi ya harusnya buat hal2 kayak diatas gw bisa lah ya nentuin apa yg gw suka, apa yg gw mau, dan tentunya apa yg terbaik buat gw.

Jadi galau.... Eh galau masih mainstream ga sih? Hahaha

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013


Dulu gw sering denger kata2 "mulailah dari diri sendiri dan mulailah hari ini" atau kurang lebih begitulah, lupa sih denger dimana kalo gasalah dari penutup tausyiahnya AA Gym.

Jadi mikir seandainya semua orang menghayati kata2 itu...
Gw yakin banyak orang yg berpikir pengen ngerubah dunia, ngerubah Indonesia, menghapus korupsi, menegakkan HAM dsb dst dll
Dan mungkin mereka juga mikir darimana mulainya di tengah kesemerawutan keadaan yg ada, karena gw juga pernah nyoba mikirin hal itu, karena kalo mau ngubah sesuatu harus dari akarnya kan kalo gak ya jadinya temporer aja, dan mungkin sulit banget nemuin jawabannya atau kalau udah tau mulai ngubahnya harus gimana?

Gw pernah sih ada di posisi menggebu2 pengen ngerubah ini itu, dan ikut2an mikir masalahnya Indonesia ada dimana, gimana cara menyelesaikannya *sok bgt gak sih*, menurut pemikiran gw yg jauh dari kata expert ini, mungkin karena udah putus asa, kesimpulan gw masalahnya ada pada orang2nya, dan buat ngerubahnya ya orang2 diubah tapi kan yakali aja, mau nyuci otak orang senegara gimana caranya atau masa iya di genosida aja jadi ulang dari 0 lagi, ya kan gak mungkin, jadi yaudah gw pikir gabisa diapa2in, gimanalah caranya. Jadi gw memutuskan buat gak sok sokan mau jadi pahlawan lagi dan bersikap apatis aja, let it flow.

tiba2 gw keinget kata2 di atas, satu orang atau sekelompok orang emang gabisa ngubah orang senegara apalagi sejagat raya, tapi setiap orang bisa ngubah dirinya sendiri, kalo semua orang yang bermimpi mengubah dunia mulai introspeksi dari dirinya sendiri aja, gw yakin udah banyak kok yang berubah, misalnya mulai aja dari taat hukum pasti kehidupan bisa jauh lebih teratur dan nyaman, kebiasaan sih manusia gajah di pelupuk mata keliatan semut di seberang lautan keliatan, ckckck.

Yaudah deh gw mau bobo, setidaknya kalo kalian baca ini, inget2 aja kata2 itu, kalo kalian sering ngeluh sama keadaan sekitar coba deh ngaca dulu benerin diri sendiri dulu dan jangan ditunda2 karena menunda itu masalah. Be the change!

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013


ijin mumbling sebentar

akhir-akhir ini ga ada kerjaan di rumah, nonton tv, mantengin hape, nonton di laptop, guling-guling di tempat tidur, bingung mau ngapain...
terus gw mikir tentang passion, passion gue dimana ya... kenapa kayaknya ga ada yg bikin gw semangat idup, gw emang ngerjain apa yang ada atau apa yg ditugaskan dengan happy2 aja, cuma kayaknya belom ada sesuatu yang bener2 gw niat banget kerjain dan bersemangat dan pengen gw lakukan again and again,
gatau sih akhir-akhir ini kayaknya emang segala sesuatu ngebosenin aja. sampe2 gw jarang nulis karena gatau apa yang mau ditulis
kemudian gw liat orang-orang... kayaknya pada bahagia dan bersemangat banget mengerjakan atau mengejar passionnya, kemudian gw liat diri sendiri, dan kemudian gw bingung passion gw apa, dan tulisan ini bener-bener amburadul...

btw met lebaran walaupun udah mayan telat seminggu, dan dirgahayu Indonesia!

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

The Truth About Finding "The One"

Someone on my twitter time line retweeted this article's link like weeks ago and when I read it I just felt like I have to put this on my blog, I feel sorry for myself that I rarely update this blog recently with my own writings, this article's taken from: here. Enjoy reading :D

I really do love the Internet. As much as I try to convince myself that it’s an annoying waste of time, there truly are many valuable lessons to be learned here. One of my favorite things to debate and to discuss online is dating and love because there are so many diverse perspectives to absorb and appreciate.

How guys see things, how girls see things and why everyone believes they have or have not found the love of their lives.

One of the most common claims I see online about love is people saying “When you know, you just know.” And to be honest, I couldn’t disagree more. Now of course, I have yet to ever feel this with someone, but I have seen 95% of my friends think that they have found the one, all to then break up with “the one.” Marriages turned to divorces, boyfriends into exes and I am left here thinking wait, what just happened? I thought he was “the one”?

My parents have been married for over thirty years now and guess what, my mom had no clue my dad was “the one” until several years into it. They actually broke up for over six months before my mom went running back.

My dad has stuck by her side since the day that they’ve met, through thick and thin, and if she would have lived by the statement “when you know, you just know,” things would have turned out much differently for them both. Instead of giving up when things got boring, rough or hectic, they pushed through things, together.
People say all these cliché things about love, but how much of it is even true? Most of the people claiming they found the one, haven’t even been with their “one” for more than a short time. Sure you can have a great connection with a person, but will this person really be by your side through it all? Through thick and thin? Through the good and the bad? When you’re old and grey? How do you genuinely know someone is the one? This is when the Internet and its lessons came in handy. While browsing on Facebook today, I came across this status that really got me thinking…

I’ve been told that you know someone is the one by just knowing. If you have to ask yourself if she is, then she isn’t, and if two people are meant to be then they will be. All these fairytale statements about finding the love of your life, but I believe the best piece of advice I’ve gotten goes like this.

After I read that I cried a little inside because it’s so simple… it makes perfect sense. True love isn’t about finding “the one,” it’s about finding someone you have an amazing connection with that is down to stick it out with you. The good, the bad, the ugly, the sad.

If you come across someone in your life that makes you happy, that makes you stronger, wiser, a better man… you don’t let that go. Every girl is going to annoy you, nag at you to be healthier or to work harder, but she’s only doing it because she wants the best for you.

If she makes you feel alive and makes your heart feel at home, you stay and you do whatever it takes to make it work because, like he said, there is no greater regret than letting your one, find another one, and in those last final moments wishing you could change it all.

You won’t know if someone’s the one until your last dying breath. When death is looking you in the eyes and you have that one last moment to reflect back on your life, you will then see who took that life journey with you. You will know without regret, that you wouldn’t change your history together for anything.

It’s then, and only then, that you’ll know she’s the one. Until then, you go after her, you pursue her and you follow your heart, because the worst thing you can do is miss that once in a lifetime opportunity wishing you could get it back.

Baca Juga

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