Sebenernya pengen update dr lamam cuma hemm takutnya isinya ngeluh doang terus para pembaca *kalo ada* ga dapetin manfaat dr berkunjung ke blog ini.
So, di post ini gue akan coba mensyukuri apa yg ingin gue keluhkan, ceritanya mau ngeliat sisi baik dari segala sesuatu gituu
Alhamdulillah SHN udah kelar, dengan segala problematika sebelum dan saat pelaksanaan tetep aja alhamdulillah karena akhirnya sudah terlaksana dan semoga memberi manfaat bagi peserta dan panitia.
Alhamdulillah selama 3 minggu uts yg menguras jiwa raga membuat lelah lahir batin akhirnya sudah hanya sisa 1 mata kuliah lg yg belom diujianin, alhamdulillah udh bisa berusaha mengerahkan seluruh tenaga buat ngerjain semua yg udah lewat hasilnya ya tinggal berdoa aja deh untuk yg terbaik.
Alhamdulillah perjalanan pulang yg 2,5 jam dr kampus ke rumah bisa gw lalui dengan dapet tempat duduk di kereta yg cukup dingin dan sepi, ga harus sesek2an atau kepanasan, di stasiun juga sering diperhatiin mas2 penjaga stasiun ditanyain mau kemana, diucapin salam, dan macet2 ria pun di dalam mobil pribadi yg nyaman sama mami dan adek, bisa sambil dengerin radio kesayangan atau tidur.
Kalo gw mau ngeluh tentang apa yg gw hadapi di atas pasti panjang ga selesai2 tapi ternyata bisa juga ya disyukuri.
Oiya mau ngucapin:
Selamat hari jadi ke 20 mami dan papi 25 Oktober kemarin.
Selamat hari raya idul adha 1433 H yg jatuh pada 26 Oktober.
Selamat hari sumpah pemuda dan dies natalis FHUI tanggal 28 Oktober :D
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012
Hey it's me again
With some random rant that you might not want to hear
How's life?
So... So....
Kinda hectic maybe
Mid tests are coming
SHN is just in front of my eyes
Tasks are keep coming over and over again, no idea when will them stop... Or at least have a recess for a while
Big bang's concert is tonight and tomorrow, Puji is going because she won a free ticket. I don't really care, i'm not that type of girl, neither the super fanatic fan nor a concert addict.
The good news is that I can be the part of "tentara merah", I was selected as 1 of 15 representatives/delegates from FHUI for OIM Quiz UI, it's like a trivia and common knowledge quiz, battle with other faculties in UI, and that was so much fun! We made it till final and got the bronze medal, alhamdulillah :D
Last but not least, I miss my boyfriend very very bad, maybe its because my hormonal fluctuation since I'm on my period, but he won't take PMS and stuffs as a reason, so just make it as simple as missing him, but missing someone is a very complex emotion.... Just hope he'll get his thesis done and receive his "SH" as soon as possible, aamiin.
Pardon me for the bad grammar readers, and please wish me luck!!!
With some random rant that you might not want to hear
How's life?
So... So....
Kinda hectic maybe
Mid tests are coming
SHN is just in front of my eyes
Tasks are keep coming over and over again, no idea when will them stop... Or at least have a recess for a while
Big bang's concert is tonight and tomorrow, Puji is going because she won a free ticket. I don't really care, i'm not that type of girl, neither the super fanatic fan nor a concert addict.
The good news is that I can be the part of "tentara merah", I was selected as 1 of 15 representatives/delegates from FHUI for OIM Quiz UI, it's like a trivia and common knowledge quiz, battle with other faculties in UI, and that was so much fun! We made it till final and got the bronze medal, alhamdulillah :D
Last but not least, I miss my boyfriend very very bad, maybe its because my hormonal fluctuation since I'm on my period, but he won't take PMS and stuffs as a reason, so just make it as simple as missing him, but missing someone is a very complex emotion.... Just hope he'll get his thesis done and receive his "SH" as soon as possible, aamiin.
Pardon me for the bad grammar readers, and please wish me luck!!!
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